The following papers are in reverse chronological order. For most of them,
I have also included the arXiv version
which might be slightly different from the published version. The asterisk *
means these authors contributed equally.
Under review papers:
- Z. Liu, S. Jafarpour, and Y. Chen, Safety Verification of
Stochastic Systems: A Set-Erosion Approach,
Submitted , Sep. 2024.
- Z. Liu, S. Jafarpour, and Y. Chen, Probabilistic
reachability of discrete-time nonlinear stochastic system,
Submitted , Aug. 2024.
- S. Jafarpour*, Z. Liu*, and Y. Chen, Probabilistic
reachability analysis of stochastic control systems,
Submitted , July 2024. [arXiv]
Journal/CS-conference papers:
- S. Jafarpour and S. Coogan, Monotonicity and contraction on polyhedral cones,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, To appear, Aug. 2024. [Journal Version] [arXiv]
- S. Jafarpour*, A. Harapanahalli* and S. Coogan, Efficient Interaction-Aware Interval Analysis of Neural Network Feedback Loops,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control To apear, July 2024. [Journal
- M. Pirani* and S. Jafarpour*, Network critical slowing down: Data-driven detection of critical transitions in nonlinear networks,
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems ,
11(2):573-585, 2024. [Journal
- S. Jafarpour, A. Davydov, and F. Bullo, Non-Euclidean
Contraction Theory for Monotone and Positive Systems,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(9):5653-5660,
2023. [Journal
- A. Harapanahalli, S. Jafarpour, and S. Coogan Forward
Invariance in Neural Network Controlled Systems, IEEE Control
Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 3962 - 3967, 2023. [Journal
- A. Davydov, S. Jafarpour, and F. Bullo, Non-Euclidean
Contraction Theory for Robust Nonlinear Stability, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(12): 6667-6681, 2022. [Journal version][arXiv]
- S. Jafarpour, V. Purba, S. V. Dhople, B. Johnson, and
F. Bullo, Singular Perturbation and Small-signal Stability
for Inverter Networks, IEEE Transactions on Control of
Network Systems, 9 (2):979-992, 2022. [Journal
- K. D. Smith, S. Jafarpour, A. Swami, and F. Bullo,
Topology Inference with Multivariate Cumulants: The Mobius
Inference Algorithm, IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Networking, 30(5): 2102-2116, 2022 [Journal version][arXiv]
- S. Jafarpour*, A. Davydov*, A. V. Proskurnikov, and
F. Bullo, Robust Implicit Networks via Non-Euclidean
Contractions, Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems (NeurIPS), 34: 9857-9868, 2021. [OpenReview][poster]
- S. Jafarpour, P. Cisneros-Velarde, and F. Bullo, Weak
and Semi-Contraction for Network Systems and Diffusively-Coupled
Oscillators, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
67(3):1285-1300, 2021. [Journal
- S. Jafarpour, E. Y. Huang, K. D. Smith, and F. Bullo,
Flow and Elastic Networks on the n-torus: Geometry, Analysis,
and Computation, SIAM Review (Research Spotlight), 64(1):59-104, 2021. [Journal
- P. Cisneros-Velarde, S. Jafarpour and F. Bullo,
Distributed and time-varying primal-dual dynamics via
contraction analysis, IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, 67(7): 3560-3566, 2021. [Journal
- X. Duan, S. Jafarpour, and F. Bullo, Graph-Theoretic
Small-Gain Theorems for Metzler Matrices and Monotone
Systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
59(5):3447-3471, 2021. [Journal Version][arXiv]
- A. Silva, F. Kocayusufoglu, S. Jafarpour, A. Swami, F. Bullo,
and A. K. Singh, Combining Physics and Machine Learning for
Network Flow Estimation, 9th International Conference on
Learning Representations (ICLR) , Virtual Seminar, May
2021. [OpenReview]
- K. D. Smith, S. Jafarpour, and F. Bullo, Transient
Stability of Droop-Controlled Inverter Networks with Operating
Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
67(2): 633-645, 2021. [Journal
- V. Purba, B. Johnson, S. Jafarpour, F. Bullo, and
S. V. Dhople. Dynamic Aggregation of Grid-tied Three-phase
Inverters , IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
35(2): 1520-1530, 2020. [Journal
- S. Jafarpour and F. Bullo, Synchronization of Kuramoto
Oscillators via Cutset Projections, IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control, 64(7):2830-2844, 2019. [Journal
- S. Jafarpour, E. Y. Huang, and F. Bullo, Synchronization
of Kuramoto Oscillators: Inverse Taylor Expansions, SIAM
Journal on Control and Optimization, 57(5):3388-3412,
2019. [Journal
- S. Jafarpour, On Small-time Local Controllability,
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58(1):425-446,
2019. [Journal
- M. George, S. Jafarpour, and F. Bullo, Markov Chains
with Maximum Entropy for Robotic Surveillance, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(4):1566-1580, 2019. [Journal
- V. Purba, S. V. Dhople, M. Rodriguez, S. Jafarpour,
F. Bullo, and B. Johnson, Reduced-order Aggregate Model for
Parallel-connected Single-phase Inverters, IEEE
Transactions on Energy Conversion, 34(2):824-837,
2019. [Journal
- S. Jafarpour and A. D. Lewis, Locally Convex Topologies and
Control Theory, Mathematics of Control, Signals and
Systems, 28(4):1-46, 2016. [Journal
Refereed Conference papers:
- S. Jafarpour and S. Coogan, A contracting dynamical system perspective toward interval Markov decision processes,
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), to appear,
Dec. 2023 [arXiv]
- A. Harapanahalli and S. Jafarpour and S. Coogan, Contraction-Guided Adaptive Partitioning for Reachability Analysis of Neural Network Controlled Systems,
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), to appear,
Dec. 2023 [arXiv]
- S. Jafarpour*, A. Harapanahalli*, S. Coogan,
Interval Reachability of Nonlinear Dynamical
Systems with Neural Network Controllers,
5th Annual Learning for Dynamics
and Control Conference (L4DC), PMLR, 211:1-14,
2023. [PMLR][arXiv]
- A. Davydov*, S. Jafarpour*, M. Abate, F. Bullo, S. Coogan,
Comparative Analysis of Interval Reachability for
Robust Implicit and Feedforward Neural Networks,
61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec.
2022. [Proceeding
version] [arXiv]
- A. Davydov*, S. Jafarpour*, A. V. Proskurnikov, and F. Bullo,
Non-Euclidean monotone opera- tor theory with applications to recurrent neural networks,
61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec.
2022. [Proceeding
version] [arXiv]
- S. Jafarpour*, M. Abate*, A. Davydov*, F. Bullo, and
S. Coogan, Robustness Certificates for Implicit Neural
Networks: A Mixed Monotone Contractive Approach , Learning
for Dynamics and Control Conference, Oral Presentation (Top 10%
of the submissions), Stanford University, June 2022. [Proceeding version][arXiv]
- S. Jafarpour and S. Coogan, Resilience of Input Metering
in Dynamic Flow Networks, 2022 American Control Conference
, Atlanta, June 2022. [Proceeding
- F. Bullo, P. Cisneros-Velarde, A. Davydov, and S. Jafarpour.
From contraction theory to fixed point algorithms on Riemannian and
non-Euclidean spaces, 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Dec. 2021. (Invited Tutorial Session)
- E. Y. Huang, S. Jafarpour, and F. Bullo, Synchronization of
Coupled Oscillators: The Taylor Expansion of the Inverse Kuramoto
Map , 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control ,
Miami, Florida, Dec. 2018. [arXiv][Proceedings
- V. Purba and S. V. Dhople and S. Jafarpour and F. Bullo and
B. Johnson, Network-cognizant Model Reduction of Grid-tied
Three-phase Inverters , 55th Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, Control, and Computing , Monticello, Illinois,
Oct. 2017. [Proceedings
- V. Purba and S. Jafarpour and B. Johnson and F. Bullo and
S. V. Dhople, Reduced-order Structure-preserving Model for
Parallel-connected Three-phase Grid-tied Inverters , 18th
Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics ,
Stanford, California, July 2017. [Proceedings
- S. Jafarpour and A. D. Lewis, The Classical and Tautological
Orbit Theorems, 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical
Theory of Networks and Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July
2016. [Pdf]
- S. Jafarpour and
A. D. Lewis, Real Analytic Control Systems, 53th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, California,
Dec. 2014. [Pdf] [Proceedings
Books and Preprints:
- S. Jafarpour and A. D. Lewis, Time-varying Vector Fields and
Their Flows, SpringerBriefs in Mathematics,
Springer-Verlag, 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-10139-2. [Pdf] [Springer
- S. Jafarpour, Local and Global Holomorphic Extensions of
Time-varying Real Analytic Vector Fields, Preprint,
2016. [arXiv]
- S. Jafarpour and A. D. Lewis, Local Reachability of Control
Systems in Étalé Lie Groupoids, Preprint,
2014. [Pdf]
PhD Thesis
- On the Role of
Regularity in Mathematical Control Theory , PhD Thesis, Queen's
University, Mar. 2016. [Pdf] [Slides]